Ping Garden

New Year Gift : Ping Garden Software Instrument

Happy Chinese New Year! We wish you a great fruitful 2021. Here is a gift from us, it's called Ping Garden, a software instrument utilizing Mac multitouch pad as playing interface. It uses filter pinging and FM for sound synthesis.

When I was working on Wing Pinger in last year's CNY, factories were closed during the holiday, so I learned a bit of SuperCollider to kill time. That's how Ping Garden was born.

Ping Garden makes rain falling sounds with gestural control density. Here is a small video of me playing it. Hope you enjoy.

  1. Install SuperCollider And git :

  2. Open Terminal. Input these line by line :
    xcode-select --install
    git clone
    cd tongsengmod
    sudo make install

    From now on, all opeations are in SuperCollider. Open "Meng Qi - Pinger Garden.scd" file in SC.

  3. Put cursor in the line "Quarks.Install("MultiTouchPad");", press Command + Enter;

  4. Put cursor in the line "s.reboot();", press Command + Enter;

  5. Put cursor in the section below line 27, press Command + Enter;

  6. Put cursor in the section below line 85, press Command + Enter. Now the software interface should appear and you can start playing on the Touchpad.
